Saturday, August 25, 2012

My Weekend Doze : French Fries + Chicken Nugget


      and Crunchy too, because it's a little bit overcook :D 

                           please don't blame me, it's my Ipad!!

*shame on you Ipad! you always makes me stare at your screen! I'm cooking, remember??!

Just promise my self, to enjoying my life as well as I always enjoying eating french fries...
French fries are always taste so good.. When you bored with the-simple-salt flavor, you always have choices  to eating french fries with seasoned salt (you could just buy at the store or even do your own homemade seasoned salt ), then serve them with some chili/tomato sauce or mayonnaise or whatever you want to make it taste good for you...

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Because It's me..

Kalau ditanya warna favorite ku dari kecil....pasti langsung jawab : pink!!! hehe...
Waktu kecil belum ngerti sih apa arti dari warna-warna yang kita sukai, belum tau kalo warna-warna tsb melambangkan kepribadian kita...

Sadar banget kalo "gw itu pink bangeettt...."
Pink atau merah muda itu melambangkan pribadi yang menenangkan, lembut dan kalem namun punya pesona yang kuat....
Selain pink, aku juga suka warna merah yang melambangkan keberanian. Walaupun arti dari kedua warna ini bertentangan, tapi menurutku kombinasi kedua warna ini cewe banget...Kombinasi warna pink dan merah melambangkan kepribadian umum para wanita, yang walau lembut hatinya namun juga seorang figur manusia yang kuat yang menjadi pendukung keluarga, suami dan anak-anaknya...

I choose the sweet & cheerfull VAIO E 14P with pink color because it's me..

Terlihat semburat warna merah ceria diantara kelembutan warna pink yang berseri cantik dalam design nya yang membuatku langsung terpukau...I love her at the first sight because it's me...Walau hadir dengan design merah muda yang lembut dan cantik namun performance nya tangguh dan bisa diandalkan karena dilengkapi dengan generasi ketiga Intel Core i7 CPU Ivy Bridge dengan AMD Radeon HD 7670M GPU diskrit (VRAM 1GB) wooowww!!! Baterainya juga tahan hingga 5,3 jam.. really, it's superbbb!!

Sama seperti notebook terbaru keluaran Sony ini, walaupun aku punya kepribadian yang lembut dan manis :) tapi bukan berarti aku lemah...Saat ini adalah saat terberat dalam hidupku. Aku sedang didera masalah hidup yang terkadang membuatku berpikir kalo penderitaanku ini tiada akhir dan hidupku akan segera berakhir. Namun aku sadar, ini adalah pelajaran hidup yang berharga. Hal inilah yang membuat kita menjadi manusia seutuhnya, yang membuat tawa dan bahagia yang kita rasakan di masa yang datang akan terasa benar-benar berarti. Yang juga akan membuat kita ingat untuk bersyukur...Adalah sulit untuk melawan ketidakadilan, juga menahan segala rasa sakit karena perlakuan orang-orang yang memanfaatkan ketidakberdayaan kita...Dari apa yang aku alami saat ini aku belajar banyak tentang kesabaran, harapan dan kepercayaan. Walau aku marah, kesal dan sangat sedih, tapi aku tidak akan membalas. Aku memilih untuk fokus pada hidupku..Bagaimana untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidupku..belajar untuk tidak terjebak pada keadaan yang sama lagi...

Over those nightmares or even sleepless nights, over all of those tears and pain, I believe I'll stay strong and never lost hope...No matter what the circumstances of life, I'll survive and will stronger each day!
Because it's me...I won't give up easily...

* This true life story is specially for Because it's me contest, brought by Sony Indonesia and Female Daily. Click here for more information, or found out more on their twitter @SonyIndonesia and @Femaledaily

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Learn to Laugh...

Just received an email from my colleague this morning. There's something interesting there, inspiring quotes from two legendary people. Maybe it's just a coincidence, but those words are something i look all this time to keep me sane and strong.

I don't know how to say this, right now I am struggling from my severe life problems and experiencing tremendous pain. I can't help my self to stop suffering from this unfair situation, it's keep rolling in my head and make me really sick. I am so so sooo angry!

But lately, i feel like i want to thank God, because I feel He always guard and guide me in through every phases of my life, even in my every little step. Allah is so kind to me.. Sometimes, he gives me huge happiness so that made me feel like flying and became the luckiest people on the earth. But he is also generous to give me another life lessons from sorrow, failure and loss. Indeed, I am sick, devastated and suffering, however i get a lot of valuable lesson from there. 

I always believe that everything happens for a reason. Recently, I lost someone important in my life, I feel really down like my life was not meaningful anymore. I can't eat, I can't sleep, i even don't know how to smile and laugh life is like a disaster! It's very hard to lose someone but the heaviest thing is how to rearrange your heart, rise up and smile again. All this time, I used to living independently. I always trying to resolve my problem on my own, no matter how hard it is. I'm trained to survive, tough and fight my problems in my whole life. But really, this time i felt that it's outside my capacity, i can't handle it, i can't think clearly and got to thinking that this is the end of everything. Apparently there are things that we can not handle alone, we need people to help us to survive and stand up. I'm grateful I still have family and true friends  who accompanied me through all of this. Thanks for being there for me... 

At this time, the pain has not gone yet and i still traumatized by what happened. But I know, I'll survive, I'll rise up, I'll stand up and some day I will lift my chin, smile and said : " I'm fine now"

Adolf Hitler once said : "Anyone can deal with victory. Only the mighty can bear defeat."
continued by Napoleon Hill : "When defeat comes, accept it as a signal that your plans area not sound, rebuild those plans, and set sail once more toward your coveted goal."

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Best Friend's Wedding :)

Happy Wedding...

with Yudiss...

pardon the messy plates ;p

OHhhhh me so cubby!! >,<

What I wore :
  • Dorothy Perkins dress
  • Unbranded clutch and necklace worn as bracelet 
  • Tony Bianco Stud Heels
  • H&M Cardigan

Congratulation for you both, wish you the never ending happiness....


Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Jogja in December...

Ratu Boko Temple, Yogyakarta

Ratu BokoTemple,Yogyakarta

Parangtritis beach, Yogyakarta

This pictures was taken during my holiday in Jogja at December 2011. It was a bit rainy and was a complete package, which i was visited mountain areas and at the same time i could went to beach as well. And the most thing i like is having the village atmosphere almost anywhere in Jogja...oohhh....i miss Malioboro already.. :(

What I wore :
- Cotton Ink Tops
- unbranded color block dress
- unbranded hat
- HOH resin necklace
- Crocs flat
- Forever 21 glasses
- Kate Spade bag

Friday, July 20, 2012

Review : Make Over Hydration Serum , Ultra Cover Liquid Matt Foundation & Silky Smooth Powder Translucent Powder

Selama ini, gw paling maless yang namanya pake foundation baik yang liquid maupun creamy karena gw paling ga bisa nge blend nya..hasilnya passsti ga rata, udah coba pake sponge atau brush hasilnya tetep sama. Jadi gw lebih memilih untuk pake tinted moisturizer atau BB cream aja, tinggal oles trus blend pake brush..trus set pake loose powder atau mineral foundation yg bentuknya powder, jadi deh tampilan glowy ala gw.. :) Gw ga suka kalo keliatan pake make up, keliatan suka nya natural look, dewy, gloowy gt.. hehehe banyak maunya...

Sampai suatu ketika *hehe gw menemukan counter Make Over, gw baru tau keberadaan brand ini *kemana aajjaa...yang ternyata satu pabrik sama kosmetik Wardah. Kesan pertama gw pikir ini brand luar, karena tampilannya mirip2 beberapa brand luar ternama. Saat itu, BA nya dengan ramah nawarin nyokap & gw untuk di-make over dan gw pun akhirnya kenalan sama yang namanya Hydration Serum. Dari namanya gw pikir ini serum sejenis serum2 produk skin care gitu, ternyata ini adalah produk face primer andalan mereka. Teksturnya gel, light dan terasa seger di kulit..itu yang bikin gw suka.. Ga lengket sama sekali, cepat meresap ga nyampe 1 menit udah ready untuk dipakein foundation. Nge-blend foundation pun jadi terasa lebih gampang setelah pemakaian primer ini. Ada yang bilang ini mirip sama HD Elixir dari MUFE, well secara gw pelum nyoba jadi ga bisa bandingin deh hehe... Yang pasti harga Hydration Serum Make Over ini jaauuhhh lebih murah...Hanya Rp.98.000 untuk 33ml!! Satu2 nya kekurangan adalah pump nya yang ga ada tutup nya, walaupun ada lock nya, tp tetap gampang ngegeser. Kemaren kejadian deh tumpah dikit di make up case gw... :((


Step ke-2 dalam sesi make over gw adalah liquid foundie, namanya Ultra Cover Liquid Matt Liquid Foundation. Nyobain ini karena foundation ini adalah item yang jadi gratisan dari promo mereka setiap pembelian Rp.250.000 jadi kudu dicobain dulu hehe ngapain dapat gratisan tapi ga kepake. Shade yang gw cobain adalah shade yang paling muda #01 Ochre
Walaupun judulnya matte, tapi di gw hasilnya malah ada kesan glowy nya..Lagi2 liquid foundie inipun gampang bgt di blend nya dan teksturnya terasa ringan, ga kerasa apa2 di wajah..apa mungkin karena gw udah pake hydration serum ya....ok nanti gw coba deh pake foundie ini tanpa hydration serum nya..Gw dapat foundie ini for free, harga asli nya Rp.119.000 untuk 33ml.

Pros :
-Tekstur ringan
-Gampang di blend, ga sticky
-Coverage medium, lumayan ok untuk nutupin dark spot bekas jerawat gw..

Con :
- Sama seperti hydration serum, walopun gw suka tampilan pekejing nya dalam botol kaca putih dengan pump hitam yang kesannya serius dan mahal, tp pump nya itu ga ada tutup nya. Cuma ada lock yang digeser gitu, which is gampang kegeser juga kalo udah keaduk-aduk di dalam case (gw lebih sering dandan di locker kantor daripada di rumah, jadi kudu dibawa2)

Kesimpulan :
Suka sama foundation ini, sekarang gw pake untuk sehari-hari..Stila tinted moisturizer gw kasi cuti dulu hehe



Terakhir, Silky Smooth Powder Translucent Powder...
Namanya ga bohong loh, benerann bedaknya lembuttt banget bahkan setelah dipake bikin pipi gw jadi terasa lembut dan halus juga. Malah gw lebih suka tekstur bedak ini daripada NARS yang masih terasa kesat di pipi gw..jadi kerasa banget pake bedaknya...Shade yang gw pake #02 Rosy, hasilnya transparant jadi cocok untuk set foundie aja..Oia, harganya Rp.105.000 untuk 35gr!

Ini hasilnya pas gw nyobain di rumah kemarin...sukaaa sama hasilnya...Yang udah pasti di-repurchase tentu adalah hydration serum nya! :D
Suka deh sama brand ini, harga nya masih affordable dan quality nya gak mengecewakan..Pengen nyobain blush on dan lippen nya! See yaa on my next Make Over review! :)

no sotosop, cuma resize aja..

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Hope for the best..

Hello... It's been a while since my last post..I have so many to share but dont know where to start.. So many things happened in these early months of 2012, both the good and the bad. Something really big is going on, something that i don't know to feel about..either i should feel grateful or sorry.. But one thing for sure, i'm ready. I will go with the flow, hope for the best. even the worst happens, i'll be strong and make it a good thing for me. Cause i have promise for my self when facing 2012 that i'll never ever again let anything or anyone make me down. 

I always wondering, why people do the bad thing to others, why people so intend to hurt another person.. Don't they have children or parents or siblings who they don't want to get the same bad treatment? The pleasure you have from the success of oppress others, isn't that worthless? Have you ever thinking that someday, maybe you will meet each other again, maybe in different situation, maybe you really need their help.. And when it comes, you are the one with the greatest regret.

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